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  Arthur Bergen: ANNO, COMP: submission of sequence data to GENBANK  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: ANNO, COMP: submission of sequence data to GENBANK
From: Arthur Bergen <bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 13:40:45 +0100

From:   IN%"francis@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" 19-JUL-1995 13:36:59.51
Subj:   Submissions od DNA sequences to GenBank



Most journals now expect that DNA and amino acid sequences that
appear in articles will be submitted to a sequence database
before publication. Please be aware that it is only necessary to
submit the sequence to one database, whichever one is most convenient,
without regard for where the sequence may be published. Data exchange
between GenBank, EMBL and DDBJ occurs daily.


NCBI now has a new GenBank sequence submission tool, called BankIt,
that is accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW).

BankIt uses a simple forms-based approach to creating your GenBank
submission.  No special software is necessary, other than a WWW
browser, such as Mosaic or Netscape.  BankIt has been tested on the
following WWW browsers:

        MAC     MacWeb and Netscape
        PC      Netscape
        UNIX    Netscape and Mosaic

The current release of Mosaic for the PC and MAC does not work
with Bankit.

The URL for the NCBI Home Page, which provides access to BankIt as
well as other NCBI and GenBank Services, is:



If you do not have access to WWW, the current method of formatting your
sequence data for submission to GenBank is to use the Authorin program.
This program is available for IBM or Macintosh (24-bit addressing only)
and can be obtained free of charge from:

 National Center for Biotechnology Information
 National Library of Medicine
 Bldg. 38A, Room 8N-803
 Bethesda, MD 20894

 Voice:  (301) 496-2475
 FAX:  (301) 480-9241

 E-Mail:  authorin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

You can also obtain Authorin from the NCBI anonymous ftp server
(ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Login as anonymous and use your e-mail
address as your password. You will find the Mac version (3.0)
in the /pub/authorin/mac directory and the DOS version (1.2)
in the /pub/authorin/dos directory.

Authorin employs easy-to-use on-screen forms in which to enter
information about the submitter of the sequence, the associated
bibliographic and biological data, and the sequence itself. The
program is provided with full documentation.  Submission files
generated by Authorin (files ending in the extension  .sbt)
may be sent by electronic mail to:


As an alternative, the submission file can be copied to floppy disk
and mailed to GenBank Submissions at the above postal address. Please
label the disk with your name and file name and indicate whether it is
a PC or Mac disk.


For each sequence that you submit, a unique identification number will
be issued by the GenBank staff (within 24 hours, if received via
electronic mail). This accession number serves as confirmation that you
have submitted your data, and allows the community to retrieve the data
upon reading the journal article.

The accession number should be included in your manuscript, preferably
in a footnote on the first page of the article, or as individual journal
procedures direct.


GenBank updates can be submitted through electronic mail (using an
e-mail message, the structured GenBank update form, or an Authorin .sbt
file) or through the World Wide Web using BankIt. Be sure that when
sending in updates, particularly with Authorin files, that you clearly
indicate that it is an update and not a new submission. Also, be sure
to indicate the accession number(s) for the record(s) being updated.

The electronic form available for providing update information
can be requested from our update e-mail address:


If your update information is a simple revision, such as a citation change
or release of information, you can send an e-mail message in paragraph form
explaining the change. Be sure to give the accession number of the sequence
to be updated along with all update, correction, or publication information.
Alternatively, you may send a copy of your GenBank flat file with the updated
information and include a message indicating where changes have been made.


We strongly urge submitters to use BankIt or Authorin, but if you are unable
to do so, we have an electronic submission form that can be used as an
alternative.  Please specify that you need the electronic submission form.
Request it from:



EST (expressed sequence tag) and STS (sequence tagged site) data can be
submitted to GenBank and dbEST/dbSTS using a special data submission
format. For further information and a copy of this file format contact:



Many authors are concerned that submission of data prior to appearance of a
manuscript may compromise their work. GenBank will, upon request, withhold
release of the submitted data until the publication of the manuscript.  Upon
publication of the sequence or the accession number, however, the entire
sequence as submitted must be released.


It is important that you inform us of acceptance or appearance of the
data in a publication; please send the full publication data - all
authors, title, journal, volume, pages and date - to the following


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