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  Arthur Bergen: (Fwd) BIOT for February  

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Subject: (Fwd) BIOT for February
From: Arthur Bergen <a.bergen@ioi.knaw.nl>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:08:51 MET
Organization: ioi.knaw.nl
Priority: normal

New BIOTs!

The BIOT section is open for requests and offers of information regarding
molecular biology and molecular genetics (protocols, techniques, products,
collaboration, etc.).

You can reach over 5500 of your colleagues, and on average you may expect up to
twenty replies to a single message. This service is absolutely FREE of charge.
Help yourself by helping your colleagues!

- Please send high quality messages only, including full name, address and
- Please use the appropriate TOPIC subject heading in your message.
- Please state non-trivial questions only.
- Please reply by private E-mail only, unless your request is of general
interest to the entire HUM-MOLGEN community.
- Messages may be refused without further notification.

Edward Wilcox
Trevor M. D'Souza

(BIOT editors)
This BIOT message contains:

[1]  A request for inhibitors of the PTCH pathway.
[2]  Are there any liposomes which will not fuse with eukaryotic cells?
[3]  A request for help in understanding PCR and linkage analysis with
[4]  A desire to quantify, in ng quantities of human genomic DNA, global
DNA methylation levels.
[5]  A catalogue of Imprinted genes and Parent of Origin Effects is now


I am looking for the following compounds to be used as inhibitors of the
PTCH pathway. I appreciate any information on the availability (company or
individuals producing them) of these molecules:


Please send replies to:

Dr. Elena Tassi
Bldg. 30, Rm. B02
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
Ph. (301) 496-6233
Fax (301) 402-0823
email: etassi@dir.nidcr.nih.gov

I would like to know if there are any liposomes whose constitution
can make it not fuse with the membrane of eukaryotic cells. Any information is

Xiaoli Chen,
Hola!!  My name is Andrea Vasconsuelo

I would like to know if someone has a protocol for SSCP. I would greatly
appreciate receiving some information (protocols, guides, etc.) about PCR
and linkage analysis with microsatellites, as well as disease genes,
genotyping with microsatellites, and/or any other reprints on the same or
related subjects. I work with chromosome 19. Owing to reasons of finance,
we are unable to obtain this information by other means. Thank you for your
courtesy and look forward to hearing from you soon
Andrea Vasconsuelo <avascon@CRIBA.EDU.AR>
I wish to quantify, in ng quantities of human genomic DNA, global DNA
methylation levels. We're particularly interested in using a mass spec.
(preferably) or HPLC method. I would be grateful for any protocols or
advice given.

Elizabeth Hoffman
Wessex Human Genetics Institute
Southampton General Hospital
I am pleased to advise subscribers that our Catalogue of Imprinted genes
and Parent of Origin Effects is now available as a searchable on-line
database.  The catalogue is based on our recent publication in Human
Molecular Genetics (Morison IM and Reeve AE. A catalogue of imprinted genes
and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals. Human Molecular
Genetics 1998;7(10): 1599-1609).  I endeavour to keep the list as
up-to-date as possible but would appreciate notification of new reports
that I may have missed. I look forward to your feedback.

The database is accessible at:

Ian Morison

Senior Research Fellow
Cancer Genetics Laboratory
Department of Biochemistry
University of Otago
P O Box 56,
Dunedin, New Zealand
Tel 64 3 479 7868
Fax 64 3 479 7738
Ian Morison <ian.morison@STONEBOW.OTAGO.AC.NZ>
Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen
Department of Ophthalmogenetics
The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI)
Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW)

** Snail-mail: **           ** FAX: **             ** E-mail: **

P.O.Box 12141               (+31)206916521         A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL
1100 AC  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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